Dec 31, 2016

December 31

2016 has been quite the year...

According to the internet, this has been a terrible year for pretty much everyone...and while it's very easy to dwell in the negative and the change, that's not why I keep this 365.

So here's to a year filled with people who I really really love,
new adventures "living" in the city,
finding a comfort zone at Lee,
and lots of time with family.

This year I struggled with the question, "Where are you from?" a whole lot more than a 20 year old should, but this is not something that I should be ashamed of. No, this is what makes my story my own. I'm thankful for the adventures that moving has provided and all the people that I have been lucky to have in my life because of it. 

This year I got (slightly) better at speaking in front of a class and taking responsibility for the wide variety of classes I have taken on at school. I learned that it's okay to not know everything and that plans aren't really THAT important to find success in every situation.

Thanks 2016 for the laughs. It's the little moments that make life so exciting :)

December 30

Thankful for family game night to aid in the procrastination of repacking for our next road adventure

December 29

When in New York, one must exit the subway station in Grand Central Station.
It's like we're in our own personal movie :)

Dec 30, 2016

December 28

Thankful for a full day of touristing around New York City and the spontaneous decision to see the Rockettes Christmas Show :)
That dream to one day be a Rockette is actually still alive and thriving...

December 27

Goodnight City Lights

New York is kind of overwhelming, but the night lights really are beautiful.

December 26

Thankful for Christmas traditions that keep on going after so many years and random spurts of time apart!! I love getting to see the Kiersteads for Christmas!!

December 25

Merry Christmas!!

December 24

Christmas Eve in the village is nothing short of magical :)

December 23

Not exactly how I imagined today going,
but I'm thankful to be home where people can take care of my sick self.

December 22

So happy to all be together sitting in the cozy living room doing Christmas-y things!!

December 21

Walking to get afternoon coffee with Mom and Bess is definitely a perk of living in the village :)

Dec 21, 2016

December 20

Two days of travel and we're finally home :)
Christmas break can finally begin!!

December 19

Let the Christmas road tripping begin :)

December 18

All of 201 in the same picture!
It's a Christmas miracle!!
Seriously, these six all shine so beautifully :)

Babs and the Newbies going two years strong