Feb 28, 2014

February 28

Birthday FaceTime with Megan!!! (a week and 2 days late...but still...it made my day!)

1. We can talk for hours and it really doesn't seem like we've been talking for hours...

2. The Barnards are awesome.

3. Megan and Jess's reactions while watching this YouTube video that I made them watch that I had watched today in French...

Click here, on the link, to watch the video...but it's an interesting one...

Megan and Jess...I'm sorry that this is my picture of the day...
...it was the only picture I took and I just couldn't pass it up...

February 27

Emma: What should I take a picture of today?

Mom: Me and Bess because we're home earlier tonight.

(it's 9:15)

You gotta love them :)

February 26

Tomorrow is Food Day in French (wow three posts about French in one mass 365 update...) so it is a night of mousse making!

Homemade chocolate mousse and homemade whipped cream!?! It's super easy to make...but takes a lot longer than I was planning because I doubled the recipe...

BUT it was really good (if I do say so myself) so it was worth it :)

February 25

French Club Movie Night!

And yes, we did cram in the movie room to watch The Emperor's New Groove in French with English subtitles on a Tuesday night. But I had a really good time with these people...my social life here tends to revolve around my French class...hmmmm...

How many people can say that they have a teacher as awesome as Mrs Haack!?! (in the back ;) )

Pizzas, a failed Ranch run, a car that decided to stop working, a broken pizza cutter, and laughter throughout the kitchen. :)

J'adore ma classe de francais!

February 24

It's day one of SPUD week (Spartans Performing Unselfish Deeds)

Today was "Tropic Like It's Hot"

I got to Mom's Caribbean wrap first :)

a few of the many people that actually participated today
on Tropic Like It's 37 degrees (as I heard around school today)

February 23

Day two of seeing Bixby High School's production of Little Shop of Horrors.

Bess and I went last night and this afternoon and it was really good. We have some talented singers at this school. It's not the same as say...Severna Park's Phantom or Les Mis but it was good!

I liked that I didn't know anything about the show so that everything was a complete surprise for me :)

(even the creepy and strange parts...)

AND now Bess is LOVING the music from the show!

(sorry for the bad quality picture...it's a phone picture in a not well lit high school auditorium...)

February 22

I can't even handle all of the gorgeousness that is in this picture.

Who knew Bess and I could be so attractive!?!

It's sister day!!! An after-dance stop by Ron's Hamburgers for cheeseburgers and sweet potato fries was a must! Not to mention that we parked in one of the parking lots along the trail...so while some people enjoyed the fresh air and exercised...we ate greasy food and sang Wicked in the car.

But, I wouldn't trade sister days for anything in the world. :)

February 21

Oklahoma sunsets


That's all.

February 20

Me and my Dad...

We're party animals.

You wish you were as lively as us in the evenings.


February 19

We've been greatly enjoying the FABULOUS weather lately!


...oh yeah! It's Oklahoma.


February 18

Meet my new spectacles:

Yes. I did just get prescribed reading glasses. That's because I'm an old lady living in a 17 year old's body ;)

But seriously...they have actually really helped control the daily, routine headaches that have been bothering me for a while. Not to mention...I really like them...


February 17

Happy President's Day! To celebrate our day off, lets do some AP Physics homework!


I brought home this Snap Circuits thing and we built some electric systems that were supposed to help me better understand what we're doing in class. It didn't really help...but it was cool to see how some of this stuff works.

I was however reminded of why I was an American Girl person and not a lego person. I had the brain for babydolls and dress up...and that's why I'm not going to be an engineer.

This is Bess testing out the "Lie Detector" that we built from the stuff...but it didn't work very well...

we must not have been asking the right questions... ;)

February 16

Bess and I got to present the flowers today to Cinderella and the stepsisters during the final performance of Tulsa Ballet's Cinderella!!! OHMYGOSH it was so AMAZING to watch the third act from the wings of the PAC!!! We were literally standing right next to the professional ballerinas while they were waiting to go onstage and we got to hear all of the lighting and music cues over the backstage sound system. It was so cool to see how things operate in a professional production!!! I couldn't take any pictures backstage because I didn't want to get yelled at or scolded so this is the door and back entrance to go backstage. 

Plus I had already gotten "ahh-ahh"ed at when I tried to go the wrong way to get back to the other side of the stage after presenting the flowers to Cinderella and I don't like getting in trouble (or called out for doing something wrong)...SO I wasn't taking any chances! It was a surreal experience to get to walk across the stage of the ENORMOUS theater!!! AND because we have it in with a staff member, we'll probably get to do stuff like this again :)

February 15

Oh Bess...

I was enjoying my lazy Saturday when it dawned on me that I hadn't seen Bess for a while...

I just happened to look out the back window and this is what I saw:

February 14

A night out at the ballet :)

Celebrating Valentine's Day with my awesome family at the Performing Arts Center to see Tulsa Ballet's Cinderella! We were all the way up in the balcony (or nosebleed seats as they have been known to be called). The show was really good...but for the next one...lets try to get seats just a tad closer to the stage ;)

February 13

Our new nightly routine consists of Daddy-Daughter dinner and watching the Olympics until Bess and Mom get home from Tulsa Ballet...

It's been fun having this new normal in the evenings. :) GO TEAM USA!!!

February 12

Aujourd'huit, dans ma classe de francais, nous avons fait des cartes pour la Saint Valentin.
(translation: Today we made Valentine's Day cards in French)

Bess came in for the second half of class (her lunch period) and we got to observe the remainder of card making going on together. She even showed off some of her French skills from 8th grade ;)

These were the cards left on the bookshelf to dry that I managed to steal a picture of after school during our French club meeting. You gotta love high schoolers around Valentine's Day ;)

February 11

This view has been a typical view for me for the past school year as the dance chauffeur but it has become even more special...

Now, I get to hang out here for around 20ish minutes after school with my awesome mom, AND get to hang out at the front desk in the evenings on nights that I drive the pick up "run".

Welcome to my second home here (and I'm not even one of the ballerinas! ;) )

February 10

Who doesn't love Girl Scout season?

Oh what a happy night it was in the Trew household with these babies!

Thankful for Mom's job that puts her in constant contact with 9 year old ballerinas with a plentiful supply of chocolatey goodness :)

Feb 9, 2014

February 9

To update my blog or to do my English homework.

That is the question.

I think it's pretty obvious which one I chose....

Well the 365 has been updated for the month of February and my English homework will be opened very soon! :)

February 8

On the first day that I was sick, Bess was a sweet little sister and read me the first chapter of this book. Sometimes its good to be able to read something that is fun and not for school and/or doesn't require lots of thinking or analyzing. So today...instead of doing homework...I read well over half of the book. (I know some people who could have easily read 1 and 2 in a day but I also managed to do my Stat homework so...)

It was nice to be in a world far away from the cold stressful world at my desk piled with AP Physics and AP English assignments. :)

February 7

Guess what day today is!!!

On this day exactly ONE year ago our sweet Camille entered the world! And oh what an awesome and precious gift she is!!!

And how awesome is FaceTime!?! Mom and I got to enjoy getting to see our sweet stinker and sing to her while she ate her Puffs. :)

LOVE this girl and I can't wait to see her soon!!!

I can't believe my sweet cousin is ONE!!!
Happy Happy Birthday Camille!!!!

February 6

It's Thursday and today was my first day at school all week long. I now remember why I dislike missing school so much ;)

On the plus side...I was feeling better so I was able to go to school and get my work...and I have super awesome teachers that were willing to help me get my notes and provide leeway for due dates this week. :)

I was told by multiple people that my French class turned my absence into a class discussion...because they thought that the world was ending or they were worried for my life because I never miss school and there was snow (or something like that). My life seriously revolves around that class...and I have no idea why...(maybe it's because I have no outside of school social life). But it was nice to be acknowledged and reminded that I had been missed and not just passed over.


Here's my boatload of work that I now have to do to catch back up in all of my classes.

Let's see how well I can push through THIS with my procrastination tendencies and sick brain! ;)

February 5

Day Two of falling victim to the stomach bug.

Daddy stayed home with me today and I was feeling a little better so I actually managed to walk down the stairs and see sunlight! (but its winter so it wasn't warm sunlight and it was through the glass)....(why did I just explain that to you...?)

We had a good Daddy-Daughter sick day watching Rehab Addict together.

My Dad is so great that he even went out to the store to get Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup for me at dinner time.

I also got sucked into another show on Netflix courtesy of my awesome Aunt Kara. White Collar is my new show that I'm going to devour very quickly. I can see that happening in the near future. (I'm already finished with season 1 and managed to watch about 5 or so episodes of Rehab Addict so....)

February 4

Random fact. I don't get sick. (or at least...I'm not the one that gets sick often in this family)

I may complain about the little things...but not full blown real sickness.

Yet I was the one to get hit full blown with the sickness today (or well...last night).

Let me tell you. The stomach bug is no fun.

Bess went off to school. Dad went off to work. Mom had her first day at her new job. And I layed in my bed and slept in between trips of getting sick all day long.


My picture is not really awesome...

Ice chips and a cold rag were my companions for the day (and Annie). But I seriously have the best mom in the world for staying up with me ALL NIGHT LONG and making sure everything was set up so that I would be ok during the day. Thanks Mom!

February 3

Yay for a snow day! I love snow days because we get to have a lazy day watching lazy stuff. Our pick of the day was (you guessed it) Downton Abbey. We just got season (series as the British prefer) 4 and got ahead of our fellow Americans who are currently watching it on PBS. We made it all the way to the finale...but couldn't bring ourselves to finish it. (...and we didn't have enough time before it was time to take Bess to dance...)

This was my view on the way home from dropping Bess off in Brookside. I LOVE IT!!

February 2


The weather may be excruciatingly cold but at least the snow is pretty this time. (for now)

I'm keeping this post short and sweet. The end.

February 1

Wow! Is it really February already!?! ...gosh...

While Bess had an audition today (one of the many) Mom and I helped out around the back of Tulsa Ballet. I (being the lowest on the totem pole in the back) folded about 7 million shirts for one of their summer programs. And surprisingly...I enjoyed folding them! I don't know if it was the rhythm of folding them or the feeling of getting to help make things easier for the staff in the future...but it was fun.

I have a feeling I'm going to get to see a lot more of the behind the scenes action in the administrative wing of Tulsa Ballet from now on, now that I have a close relationship with the new office administrator (or something like that) ...so close that we share blood. ;)