Jan 31, 2015

January 31

I love hearing about Bess's love for Ballet Magnificat! Her enthusiasm makes me so happy! :) 
She's my favorite!

January 30

I love Saige and the adoration we share for our food :)

January 29

Coffee dates with Meridith before school make the day 1,000 times better! Oh how I loved getting to catch up and here about the joys of wedding planning from the future Mrs. Jackson!!

January 28

And she's off on her grand adventure!!!

January 27

January 26

What to do with an hour to kill while out and about before needing to report to Tulsa Ballet on this day off of school? Obviously Bess and I roam around Target and oh my gosh how on earth did we leave the store without buying anything!?!

January 25

Guess who filed their taxes today!

January 24

One movie down on our Oscar nominee list! 
Also, nachos and wii and actually getting homework done together is very exciting at the Vincent household!

January 23

I love these girls a lot.
I also love taking pictures in giant mirrors in the bathroom in the brand new awesome movie theater!

January 22

Sometimes little Emma and little Bess are just what is needed to brighten any day.

January 21

The best sister night dinners are prepared while singing at the top of your lungs.
It's a proven fact.

January 20

My sister
The rock star
Leading FCA during all three lunches at the 9th Grade Center

January 19

Back in Bixby means family feast at Tijuana's!

January 18

Try to take a family picture with two adults, a two week old, and an almost two year old.

Just try!

I dare you!

However, we all had a grand ol' time laughing at my assistant who is an expert at getting people's' attention in crazy ways! 

(My assistant was obviously my mother...who else could make these people laugh so hard like that!?!)

January 17

By far the BEST way to spend a Saturday morning,
watching "a show" and getting sweet sweet snuggles from these girls!

January 16

I can not contain my excitement to be with Camille and Adeline!!!
I love these little girls SO MUCH!!!

January 15

Baby-bound girls trip with the coolest mom in the world! Operation how fast can we get to Kentucky is officially underway!

January 14

It's very important to stress how much I adore being in French.
Now, trying to explain that to underclassmen at the electives fair might not have quite the same impact as experiencing the class for yourself.
But we did have fun getting to hang out in the multipurpose building with mes amis for most of the school day!

January 13

Fold a letter
Stuff an envelope
Fold a letter
Stuff an envelope
Fold a letter
Stuff an envelope

January 12

French Club activities are my favorite. It's always an exciting evening spent in Mrs. Haack's room!!

January 11

Say it isn't so!
I successfully purchased brand new jeans!!!
Yay for Mom shopping dates!!!

January 10

I do so love lunch dates with my fabulous parents!

Jan 10, 2015

January 9

Here's to the frigid month of January that is in full swing this week.

January 8

My sister is my favorite.
Here's to 2 years of Tulsa Ballet craziness!
I am so excited to see what's in store for this beauty!

January 7

It's truly amazing how fast 2 years can fly by!!! It's hard to believe that it's been 2 years since we first walked down the halls of Bixby High School. I remember that day like it was yesterday. Those first couple days 2 years ago were pretty horrible but look where I am now! Oh what a roller coaster of an adventure these past 2 years have been but I can't imagine where my life would be had it not been for Bixby High School. I am so thankful to be celebrating this Bixby Birthday!

2 years down
4.5 months to go

January 6

Why yes,
The final semester of high school has started
and yes,
Savannah and I did play Uno in the library for the first hour of the day

Here's to a very free first hour until Comp II begins next week!

January 5

We physically can not contain our joy and excitement to welcome Miss Adeline Lee Reynolds to the world!!! I can not wait to kiss this sweet baby face!!

Jan 4, 2015

January 4

Far away friends make for super exciting extended Christmas FaceTime festivities!!!

Jan 3, 2015

January 3

It's a January tradition for the Trew girls for 3 years and counting. Binge watching Downton Abbey all day long is really the only way to spend the last days of break. Actually, it's the best way to spend the entire freezing month of January in Oklahoma. Let's see how this will last once real life starts back up again!

January 2

I love Christmas vacations. Don't get me wrong! Spending time with family throughout the southeast is my absolute favorite way to spend the holidays!!! But I must admit that pizza and Psych nights are something that can not be beat. I welcome a new year filled with Psych reruns and pizza!!

January 1

It's official. We've reached the future. It's 2015 for crying out loud!!!

When I was in third grade my class got t-shirts towards the end of the year that were red, white and blue tie-dyed and said VHHS Class of 2015 (this was when we lived in Alabama so I was a future Vestavia Hills High School student at that point in my life). The thought of graduating in the year 2015 seemed so unreal to my nine year old self, 2015 could not actually be a real year. 2015 was so far away into the future I would never live to see it (me? dramatic? never!). Well it came. It came just the same.

I could not imagine a more promising year! I have no idea what to expect in the next 365 days but I plan on continuing to search for the beauty and positive in each and every day. Let's make 2015 a year to remember and a year to be thankful for! (without being too much of a cliché eighteen year old girl!)

Here's to 2015!!! The year I once thought was the longest distance into the future imaginable!

I am so thankful for time spent in this beautiful beautiful place! I love cousin time on the farm...even if that means getting a little dirt on my shoes ;)