Sep 30, 2015

Semptember 30

Thankful for spontaneous snowball runs to officially close out summer...
because who says you can't celebrate with summer treats if it's technically fall!?!

Sep 29, 2015

September 29

I may or may not have purposefully walked through every puddle on campus today...

Thankful for striped rain boots for days like these in Cleveland!

September 28

Thankful for trees I can escape to, to talk to my family outside in the rain

September 27

Low quality picture
High quality people
Awesome people that joined me in celebrating having Alpha here in Cleveland for a couple of days.
Thank you for indulging my love for Ballet Magnificat with me.
Love getting to see Bess's people perform even if Bess couldn't be here with me or with them.
Actually it kinda stinks that I couldn't see her or laugh with her...but getting a hug from Emily sent from Bess will have to do for now.
Yay Ballet Mag!
Yay Alpha!
Yay Lee!

Sep 27, 2015

September 26

Coolest birthday present surprise I have ever gotten to be a surprise part of!

Who says you just have to sit around and drive old cars after retirement!?!

September 25

What a super cool experience to get to not only watch tonight's performance of Steel Magnolia's from the booth but to get to use the fancy camera to video the production at the request of the director!

Also, it's fun to get to hang out with my awesome Grantch up in the booth any time and to see a fun friend from Summer Honors at the show!!

And to celebrate a super awesome birthday of a super awesome Gram!

September 24

I love the laughter that escapes from mine and Jansen's room :)

September 23

Sometimes it's necessary to dance around the dorm room with peanut butter!

September 22

My school is so cool!

Clark Beckham (runner up on American Idol and Lee alum) performed at Chapel this morning which was super exciting :)

September 21

Thankful for long distance hugs from the coolest sister on the planet!

Sep 26, 2015

September 20

Sometimes you just need to spend a day off campus and I have to best place to spend a Sunday away from the tight corders of dorm life! I love getting to spend time and relax off at the farm and I love that Jansen likes to do just that with me :) 

Thankful for an awesome aunt and uncle who take us in on the weekend and for grandparents and cousins that never fail to make me laugh uncontrollably around the dinner table.

Also, super thankful for Jansen who drove the four-wheeler through the fields to get over to Rawli and Potch's house without making me feel like I was about to die ;) 

Love Love Love Windswept Farm

September 19

In the spirit of fall and utilizing our servant's hearts, my Gateway class worked at a fall festival at an inner-city elementary school in Chattanooga this morning. It was the first hot day in about a week, so definitely not what one would hope for for an outdoor fall festival, but still lots of fun watching these kids have fun! 

Pictured are some of the girls from my class testing out the booth that we provided - fishing for candy

Free candy is pretty much awesome no matter how old you are ;)

September 18

If Friday night donut runs aren't the definition of college, 
then I don't know what is.

September 17

Love living close to Tennessee family for lots of reasons,
but getting to come to the Athens Community Theater dinner theater performance of Steel Magnolias was pretty awesome. And getting to talk with the people that watched my parents grow up, that's pretty cool too ;)

Sep 19, 2015

September 16

so so SO much fun to get to see these cuties on my computer screen this evening after an incredibly overwhelming day :)

September 15


September 14

I love laughing with these people almost as much as a love Chick Fil A ;)

But seriously.
Laughter is the best thing ever.
No question about that.

Happy Monday!

September 13

How cool is my school!?!
All Sons and Daughters Concert tonight with some very dear people was the perfect way to kick off the super stressful week of school! :)

Sep 16, 2015

September 12

Saturday adventures in Chattanooga are VERY important.

Because sometimes it's okay to get lost
and sometimes it's okay when Siri takes you to the wrong place
and sometimes it's okay when every place is closed that you were planning on for dinner
and sometimes it's okay to change your plans

It's the experiences and the laughs that make the adventure so very special!

September 11

Thankful for time spent with fun people like these two.

While we didn't get the perfect sunset on top of a mountain picture that we were aiming for,
we did get to watch the storm roll in
and get soaked running back down to the car

Because, experience life is fun with people who make it genuinely brighter every day.

September 10

Sometimes a picture of the flame is a must when the clouds look cool

And sometimes one must document those taking stereotypical pictures of the flame because that's what seems right in the moment

And sometimes Katie photobombs and makes the photo even more perfect and stereotypical

Sep 10, 2015

September 9

Super thankful for lots of things...
like chocolate cheesecake and breadsticks (maybe not together...)

But mostly thankful for the opportunity to spend the evening with Gram & Grantch & Jansen
Because they're awesome.
That's why.

I'm loving the location of my school!

September 8

Tuesday Night - Movie Night - Happy Night

September 7

Yes it's Labor Day and yes we had class today,
but you know what's awesome?
Spending the afternoon squished in an eno with some fabulous people!

Because are you really a Lee student if you don't document your time at Schimmel's Park in an eno?

Thanks for an awesome first eno experience!

September 6

Mallory and Haley appreciation post.

Super thankful for these two girls...who never fail to lift my spirits and make me smile!

Thanks for making me visit a new church with you and for eating tons of Mexican food with me! :)

Sep 6, 2015

September 5

so so SO much fun showing off campus to these girlies today!

Picnic in Alumni Park, bubbles, and Lee shirts.
What could be better!?!

Thank you for making my Saturday afternoon so much fun! Even if we melted from heat exhaustion by the evening...

Also, I have absolutely LOVED getting to have my mom so close this past week. It was a fun treat of a week to distract from the fact that Oklahoma is so far away.

September 4

No, Lee doesn't have a football team,
but they still throw tailgate parties for the first soccer match in the NCAA Division II ever.

And while we may not be the biggest sports enthusiasts,
we did have lots of fun melting in the crazy heat together.

September 3

Happy Happy Retirement to the most wonderful Grantch in the world!

I am so lucky to have such a fun and kind-hearted person in my life. 

I love you so much Grantch!

You're awesome!

Sep 3, 2015

September 2

Target shenanigans make the world go round

September 1

Meet my awesome and awkward college friends!

They let me do a mini photo shoot with them...and it was pretty much fantastic.
Needless to say, Lee people are the best people.