Nov 30, 2015

November 30

Grateful for the Christmas spirit that is in full swing on this hall and for Christmas parties to keep us sane as we all prepare for finals :)

November 29

Grateful for a comfy couch, November rain, and a quiet house to work on homework and study guides in preparation for Finals Week

November 28

Grateful for baby snuggles and Mom's super awesome and fancy camera that I get to use because we're together!! :)

November 27

Grateful for Daddy-Daughter time cruising around Athens in the BMW :)

November 26

Grateful for Thanksgiving photoshoots with the twins ;)

November 25

Super Duper Incredibly Grateful to have my three favorite people with me right now!!!
And for oreo cake...
But mostly that we're back together again! :)

November 24

Grateful for views like these as Thanksgiving Break has officially begun :)

November 23

Grateful for a quiet room (as people begin to head home for Thanksgiving) to Facetime my favorite Trainee :)

November 22

Grateful for an afternoon exploring downtown Chattanooga with super fun people :)

Nov 21, 2015

November 21

Grateful today for beautiful friends who indulge going on an adventure for a photoshoot before the sun sets :)

And Mallory...I'm thankful for Mallory on her super special birthday weekend!

November 20

Grateful for fun surprise packages filled with goodies on a Friday afternoon :)

November 19

Grateful for this one who I can always count on to make me smile and to do the fun and spontaneous thing, like blowing bubbles in our room at 11:30pm :)

November 18

Grateful today for a fun filled Christmassy evening spent with some of my wonderful Summer Honors group sharing life over cookies, hot chocolate, and Christmas music :)

November 17

Sometimes it's the little things...
and today I'm grateful for the little things that make me smile :)

November 16

Grateful today for the opportunity to serve with my entire Freshman class with this year's Operation Christmas Child Pack and Stack celebration :)

November 15

Grateful today for these special people.
I love spending time with family more than most things ever, whether that's in Tennessee or Oklahoma or Mississippi or wherever family gatherings may be. And I miss my family like crazy, especially on this day...but this family that I have been adopted into while living here sure do know how to make me laugh! So thank you for making me laugh until I cried and for treating me like your own kid and for making me feel truly loved and special as 19 begins today.

November 14

Super extremely grateful for family that celebrates 19 years of life with one of my favorite home cooked meals and lots of cake. What I would do at college without extended family close by, nobody knows!

Thank you for making me feel special on my first birthday weekend away from home :)

Nov 13, 2015

November 13

Grateful for grandparents who constantly show me how much I am loved during this first birthday weekend away from home

November 12

Grateful for friends and fellowship over pre-birthday celebrations at Panera :)

November 11

Grateful that I have family close by while I'm far from home so that when sickness strikes room 219, Rawli can come to the rescue :)

November 10

Grateful for my super talented school who is super incredibly talented musically and can perform an orchestra concert of Simon and Garfunkel music...and it was awesome!

November 9

Super grateful for Monday night dinner dates and Target runs with super fun people who I love so much!!

November 8

Grateful this evening for this sweet friend to spend hours in Starbucks with studying for tomorrow's exam :)

November 7

Grateful for morning walks in the rain and phone calls with Bess and Mom and Dad because seriously they make everything, yes everything, better.

November 6

Grateful this evening for school plays to provide a relief from a week full of school stress 

November 5

Grateful for time spent with sweet friends at the first basketball game of the season, which we won by the way ;) 

November 4

Extremely grateful for my amazingly wonderful hall of girls! And life is always more fun when there's red balloons and food and laughter :)

November 3

Grateful that I apparently go to Hogwarts now (!?!)

November 2

Grateful today for support from above as the rains continue in Cleveland yet again 

November 1

Eternally grateful for these two fantastic people that I love so much and for a fantastic grandmother who takes me out for milkshakes on a dark and dreary night :)