Jan 31, 2016

January 31

I, like this calf, have crazy eyes thinking about Emma doing hands on activities on the farm,
but alas, proof that sometimes crazy things happen
like bottle feeding a calf on the front porch and getting covered in cow drool like it's no big deal

January 30

Yay for spur of the moment FaceTime dates with my very most favorite Trainee
and for sporting Lee shirts together unintentionally :)

Jan 30, 2016

January 29

Thankful for time pretending to be pro-bowlers with these girls :)

January 28

I'm kind of a big fan of this place...

January 27

Little things like this :)

January 26

Sometimes, life stinks
but somehow I was given the most precious and loving little sister in the whole entire world who can make me smile with her words no matter how far away we are from each other :)

January 25

Thankful for warmish January afternoons, the Greenway, and fan-stinkin-tabulous people who will stand in mud with me to get cool pictures ;)

January 24

Thankful for Sunday nights because I love getting to see these people a whole lot!

Jan 23, 2016

January 23

Not quite the huge blizzard of 2016 that seems to be hitting the rest of this area of the country today,
but still a pretty sight to wake up to on this cold morning

January 22

Rainy Friday Night Racquetball Night :)

Yes, I still completely and utterly stink at all things athletic but it was a fun experience being trapped in a box with equipment designed to take out someone's eye with one swat of an arm!

January 21

I love my school a lot,
but private school does have it's own downsides,
like not observing government holidays with the standard day off of school.
But we did have MLK week with different types of activities throughout the week honoring and celebrating the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, concluding with the screening of Selma in the Communications Screening Room.

While I didn't attend any of the other events throughout the week,
it was incredible cool to see Selma again in our in-house theater with people from all different walks of life.

January 20

January is always fun because it's bitterly cold but there's the possibility of snow!
And when it snows,
Cleveland shuts down...
Lee however, does not.

That's not a bad thing though,
because, hey, we got all our classes out of the way
and at least no one wiped out on the SMC stairs :)

January 19

Oh no,
I've been pulled onto The Bachelor Bandwagon
and I love piling up in Haley's room to be a part of this new weekly scheduled activity ;)

Also, I'm loving Haley's decor!

January 18

Where a Monday night movie night is completely normal and fully supported by your peers

January 17

How awesome is it that I go to a school that encourages and provides opportunities to worship with people like Rend Collective!?!

I have a newfound love for this group, the Irish, and incredibly cool instruments!

January 16

Living in community is always a party,
especially when Jansen makes her debut appearance on the top bunk in our tiny room :)

Jan 16, 2016

January 15

In the spirit of being spontaneous and adventuring while in college,
a trip to downtown Chattanooga was inevitable :)

January 14

How fun is it that we can run to Target whenever we want now!?!

January 13

'Twas the second day of classes,
and right down the hall,
were the screams of my people,
playing virtual football

(that was cheesy...sorry...)

January 12

Not Oklahoma level, but still a pretty sight outside of the good ol' dorm :)

January 11

Celebrating being back in Cleveland with my very own car by driving in circles around town with Jansen and getting Pearl all cleaned before school starts :)

January 10

Hey there Tennessee!

Jan 9, 2016

January 9

I love FaceTiming these little girls because they think me and Mom are the absolute coolest things since sliced bread
(almost as cool as that statement...)

January 8

This morning we decided we'd be productive...
and then we went to the movies,
which was much more enjoyable :)

January 7

Extra super thankful for a morning like today spent with Bess in font of the fire watching Friends and drinking coffee out of a Central Perk mug! Because Christmas Break is almost over and I'm going to miss this!

January 6

I love me some Tulsa people!
And self-timer photos, "window" shopping, and orange cinnamon rolls :)

January 5

Hello from the other siiiiiiiiiiide
[of the camera]

Thankful for an evening full of laughter with these two :)

Jan 4, 2016

January 4

I love laughing
I love breakfast dates
I love Saige and Jacqueline

January 3

Thankful for family movie night at the Warren!

I watched the original trilogy with my dad when I was in first grade and it has been an important Daddy-Daughter thing ever since and it was super exciting to get to see the newest addition to the franchise together :)

January 2

I'm thankful for time spent laughing with my French Family.
Thankful for this crazy group that never fails to make me smile :)

January 1

Greetings 2016!

I'm not going to lie, I had a lot riding on 2015. Pretty much most of my life was looking forward to and planning what was going to happen last year...and I hadn't really thought past the events of "my year."

And now it's here. 
The future. My future. What?
Well maybe not THE future that people ask about (I still get to look forward to more fun and life as a college student) but this year will be different, that's for sure.

So what will this year hold?

Who knows really?
The crazy thing is that sometimes the most beautiful things appear out of the unknown (the crazier thing is that I just said that because I'm a control freak who doesn't like change...so we'll see what happens)
Things will change this year, just as things change every year, and life goes by and guess what--life gets BETTER! Instead of focusing on a "New Year, New Me" approach to life this year, I'll shoot for a "New Year, New Attitude" game plan for whatever comes my way. :)

Bring it on 2016!