Greetings 2016!
I'm not going to lie, I had a lot riding on 2015. Pretty much most of my life was looking forward to and planning what was going to happen last year...and I hadn't really thought past the events of "my year."
And now it's here.
The future. My future. What?
Well maybe not THE future that people ask about (I still get to look forward to more fun and life as a college student) but this year will be different, that's for sure.
So what will this year hold?
Who knows really?
The crazy thing is that sometimes the most beautiful things appear out of the unknown (the crazier thing is that I just said that because I'm a control freak who doesn't like we'll see what happens)
Things will change this year, just as things change every year, and life goes by and guess what--life gets BETTER! Instead of focusing on a "New Year, New Me" approach to life this year, I'll shoot for a "New Year, New Attitude" game plan for whatever comes my way. :)
Bring it on 2016!