Aug 31, 2016

August 31

Extra thankful today for a squeaky clean apartment :)

August 30

I love love love the talent at this school!!
And I love love love fangirling over the Voices of Lee with some of my very favorite people!!

We fangirled so much that this was the only picture I got...and it's terrible...but oh well...

Aug 29, 2016

August 29

Thankful to have a comfortable living room of our own that has ample seating and character after a week! :)

August 28

Extra super thankful for a visit from the mama's in Georgia (and one from Brazil!!) who sacrificed their Sunday to work in our apartment and make it look pretty :)

August 27

It can be hard to get involved with your peers once you move out of the freshman dorms,
but look at us! We actually went out and participated and socialized with people from our building at our "dorm event" Cupcakes and Coasters. Check out us being crafty and such ;)

August 26

Apartment life is fun because LOOK OUT we had an informal pizza party to commemorate the first Friday Night and making it through the first couple days of classes of year two!! :)

August 25

I love how much President Conn loves this school and the students that go here!
Here's to a new year

August 24

I love love love having pictures up of all the people that I love on my walls and my desk!

And these square prints just make me happy :)

Also, I got to talk to Bess tonight which was very much needed and I miss that crazy redhead so stinkin' much!! Not to forget how proud I am of her for living life with Ballet Magnificat out in Jackson! Bess is a truly wonderful wonderful person and I need to be back with her again now.

August 23

Thanks a lot Jimmy John's for awkward red lighting...and yes I know this picture is focused weird.

But, I'm so extra super thankful for a fun lunch date and dorm decorating afternoon with my incredible mom!! I'm so glad I got one more day with her before school starts back tomorrow!

She's seriously the world's greatest, and I miss her so very much!!

August 22

Celebrating apartment life with these super sweet roomies of mine :)

"First" family dinner, thanks Melon for making fajitas and breaking in our new-to-us kitchen!

Aug 28, 2016

August 21

Car Saga Continued:

Thank you Uncle Todd for driving out of your way on this Sunday morning to rescue my car!
Super thankful for these two who managed to work magic on my battery and bring my car back to life in the drizzle. When we got the battery and alternator checked out, they were both completely FINE!!'s great! But still weird...

Mom and I made it to move-in day, found my apartment on the third floor (with no elevator) and managed to get checked in, fill out paperwork, and move all my stuff in in under an hour!

Also super thankful for cousins who take time out of their day to help move my heavy couch up three flights of stairs for me :) 

Moving back onto campus is a crazy long day...and I didn't get any pictures of that fiasco, but I figured the conclusion to my car adventure was worth two days a posts ;)

August 20

Honestly, not the most ideal way to spend the night before move-in day...

Mom and I were able to get out of DC super early and made the best time we've made all summer getting to Tennessee. We managed to pack all my stuff into my car and we were able to get the rest of my stuff out of Rawli and Potch's basement and we were all set to drive down to Cleveland in the morning. We drove around to take a breather for the nerves and emotions and went to Walmart to pick up three things. That was when the real adventure of the day started.

Unfortunately as we tried to depart the dark parking lot at 9:30 pm my car (that I am so thankful to have here and that I love so much) decided it was done with the moving around. We were trapped at Walmart and all we wanted to do was go back to Gram and Grantch's and go to bed. (we HAD left DC at 6 am!!)

Thank goodness for Grantch who drove out to try to rescue us!
We jumped the car and it came back to life, I kid you not, at least four different times only to die again when I would try to get out of park.

So Mom is awesome and we moved ALL my stuff from my car into the trunk and back seat of Grantch's new car and we left my poor car stranded in the Walmart parking lot. Mom managed to repack and arranged my stuff to fit almost entirely (save maybe four things) into G&G's Volvo and we had a new plan on how to attack move-in day in the morning.

Aug 19, 2016

August 19

What's Friday night without Ledo's Pizza and Psych!?

The perfect send off meal for sure :)

August 18

Starting and sending off my summer in the village with a trip to the Carlyle :)

This should be noted that the looking diligently at the menus upon our arrival is all for show for the wait staff, because we are crazy creatures of habit and always get the same thing (because their crab cakes are delicious!)

August 17

One last summer DC adventure day ending with the most iconic Smithsonian entryway :)

August 16

I like going to get my hair done with my mom because when she's in the chair it's always fun to listen to the other women react to the mane. We've got to make sure to look our best for the start of a new year, and we're not opposed to driving an hour back to Maryland for the greatest mane taming work :)

August 15

As summer is beginning to fade away, my nerdy organizing spirit has reemerged.

Celebrating a new laundry drawer shelf thingy for life back at school :)

August 14

Celebrating three delicious meals for today :)

I mean, I post a lot of pictures of meal times (which should say something about my opinion of delicious food) but when you seriously win eating choices all day, that deserves to be mentioned ;)

Aug 14, 2016

August 13

Oh what a fun evening with the Kiersteads at the Nationals Game on the hottest day of the year!
It was so cool to see the stadium packed full despite the 108+ degree real feel even after the sun went down and the full on Stars Wars Day participation from the crew!!
There were Jedi's fighting, Star Wars music, and even the giant presidents got into the spirit for the big race (dressed as some of the characters...for example, George Washington was dressed as Rey and fought the giant bobble head Kylo get the picture)

Who knew sweating for a consistent 4 hours could be so much fun!?

August 12

Thankful for a Mom who indulges apartment shopping with me on any given day :)

We basically live at Target and don't expect this to change for quite a while!

August 11

I lived in Maryland for 12 years and have never seen Western Maryland like this before!
My gosh it's a really beautiful drive!

Thankful for my road trip buddy who has now completed 14 (I'm almost positive) road trips with me this summer (not counting the legs of the trip she had to take without me!)

August 10

SnapChatting and Snuggling

August 9

Photo shoots are always fun, if I do say so myself.
And, second shooting with my mom is also fun getting to exchange pictures and see who got the best angle or the best look and whatnot.

But I will say we had some pretty cute models this morning as we made our way around campus :)

Obviously I needed two pictures of the day, one for each girl
because they are super hard to catch together right now :)

August 8

I love love LOVE time with these little girls!!

How could we pass up one more road trip of the summer to see these cuties!?!

Seriously, what a fun dinner picnic with The Little Mermaid and taco soup :)

August 7


(Not that this picture made it to Instagram...that's beside the point)

Thanks for a fun walk around National Harbor with super strong iced coffee and always looking so natural in my pictures ;)

Love summer with my mom!

August 6

Tulsa Ballet staff takes the grand driving tour of DC!!

While we managed to hit the walking part of the tour (to get a mandatory picture in front of the White House) during the 7 minute flash rain storm, it was still a fun day trip showing off the highlights and taking relief from the rain and humidity in the Renwick Museum :)

August 5

Afternoon goals :)

Also, loving how nice it feels here for August!!

Aug 5, 2016

August 4

Today was so much longer than I originally expected it to be.

First off,
I am so thankful for my week with Bess. It was so nice to get to just be together and eat delicious food and watch movies and go on adventures! Thanks Bess for letting me stay with you for the past couple of days!! I miss you already!

*Anecdote for the day*
Not the smoothest day of flight travel that I've ever had.

My carry-on got hand searched because the coins in my wallet put up a red flag on the monitor.

I decided to wear cute new shoes that my feet didn't really agree with for traveling. (ouch!)

My second flight of the day out of Charlotte was delayed because they didn't know when it would get in from the hanger. (Then thoroughly checked and prepped before we could board almost an hour later)

15 minutes into the 56 minute flight the captain said there was a crack in the windshield and we were going back to Charlotte.

Every little bump feels like something terrible is about to happen.

I hear the flight attendant say the words "Emergency Landing" from her seat that she's strapped into*.

As we land we are greeted with a swarm of emergency vehicles on the runway with lights and sirens running as they chase after us.

We are told to get off the plane and wait in the gate area for further information.

People take pictures of the crack, it's spider-webby and shattered looking.

A new plane with new pilots is located for us and we only have to shift over two gates where we wait for further instruction.

This new plane just landed from the Bahamas so it has to be thoroughly checked and inspected before it can travel again. The new crew also has to get paperwork approved and other flights in the area need to be adjusted.

We re-board a little under two hours after our Emergency Landing and eventually take off about half an hour after pulling out of the gate later. (After having to pull off of the runway and wait for more numbers to be sent in from the tower, we're finally cleared for take off again and can get back in line on the runway)

Around 50 or so minutes into the trip we begin our initial decent.
As we dip back under the clouds entering the Washington, D.C. area I am in awe of this crazy city from above. It's so vast and historic and perfectly grid-like. The neighborhoods melting into the high-rise complexes. Georgetown, the Potomac, and the city look incredible.

The sun was setting with sun burst shooting through the clouds. It was truly amazing.

It feels as if out of nowhere, I look out and see this:

It was captivatingly beautiful and so eye-opening to see it all from the sky.

Everything looks so small and it's so easy to forget how small we actually are in the grand plan of the world.

But you know what was the coolest part of all of it?
I was completely calm. I mean, I guess I was going through the motions in my head, but I didn't let any of it get to me (until later that night when I was safe and back home).
It was totally a God thing.

*I assume she was strapped in because of the circumstances, I couldn't actually see her all the way, but it was pretty intense and she was incredibly serious.

August 3


Our sister adventure today started early with a walk along the trail to the overlook this morning. We didn't melt, we got exercise in, AND we got to admire this gorgeousness.

Thank you Bess for sharing this spot with me :)

August 2

So much fun getting to see these two ballerinas outside of the Ballet Mag performance stress time!
I loved getting to be a part of their hang-out time making brownies and sitting on comfortable furniture :)

August 1

I love this adventurous spirit!
Thank you for changing plans and driving to the adventure spot so we didn't melt into a puddle because of crazy Mississippi heat. And thanks for having so much joy!

Seriously, an afternoon spent in the "half-forrest" at the Rez with Bess in enos is the way to do it here in Ridgeland!!