Aug 28, 2016

August 20

Honestly, not the most ideal way to spend the night before move-in day...

Mom and I were able to get out of DC super early and made the best time we've made all summer getting to Tennessee. We managed to pack all my stuff into my car and we were able to get the rest of my stuff out of Rawli and Potch's basement and we were all set to drive down to Cleveland in the morning. We drove around to take a breather for the nerves and emotions and went to Walmart to pick up three things. That was when the real adventure of the day started.

Unfortunately as we tried to depart the dark parking lot at 9:30 pm my car (that I am so thankful to have here and that I love so much) decided it was done with the moving around. We were trapped at Walmart and all we wanted to do was go back to Gram and Grantch's and go to bed. (we HAD left DC at 6 am!!)

Thank goodness for Grantch who drove out to try to rescue us!
We jumped the car and it came back to life, I kid you not, at least four different times only to die again when I would try to get out of park.

So Mom is awesome and we moved ALL my stuff from my car into the trunk and back seat of Grantch's new car and we left my poor car stranded in the Walmart parking lot. Mom managed to repack and arranged my stuff to fit almost entirely (save maybe four things) into G&G's Volvo and we had a new plan on how to attack move-in day in the morning.

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